Sunday, April 17, 2011

Emergency Things when the car battery is weak

WARNING! : Here are some tips for information and entertainment only. There are no scientific references that can be justified. It is recommended not to conduct experiments without complete references and must be with the help of experts who understand the technical issues and understand safety issues. We are not responsible for any damage or accidents that may arise. Prioritizing Safety Always!


You are behind the wheel and you just realize your car battery is weak and unable to start the engine - there was no one around you for help to "jump start" your car. And then?
.. Take two aspirin tablets and insert into your battery evenly in every cell. Aspirin contains acetilsalisilat which will react with sulfuric acid in batteries that can produce electricity for "One Last Shot" .. After your car engine fire, flee to the nearest service station and replace the batteries with new ones!

Baking Soda

Efficacious for squash rust and "snowflakes" that arise in the battery terminals. Use an old toothbrush to clean the battery terminals with a mixture of 3 teaspoons baking soda with 1 teaspoon warm water. Wipe with a damp cloth and proceed with a dry cloth. After a dab of petroleum jely net (or fat) - just enough, not too much - for corrosion does not happen again, make sure the height of electrolyte level is sufficient.

Epsom salts.

Often called the British salt, salt with high magnesium content. English salt dissolves in warm water and fill into each battery cell is believed will help "turn" back the battery is already worn out.

Soda Pop / soft drinks.

Yes! not wrong. Almost all soft drinks contain carbonic acid which can raise the corrosion on battery terminals. Pour a little on the head of the battery, leave a few minutes, wipe with a sponge or a damp cloth.


When you are camping in the air cool and then you find your car battery is very weak, do not panic!.
Open the sweater that you use, make sure the sweater made of 100% Woll. Rubbing on the positive terminal of the battery poles are CONSTANT and ONE DIRECTION for 10 to 15 minutes. Look for the sweater ONLY contact with the positive terminal and not dangling on the other car (other cars section = ground / negative pole). Friction wool with tin on a regular basis will lead to electrostatic and collected to give
"Last pulse" just enough to turn your car engine. Flee to the nearest car repair shop after your engine life.

11 Tips to Lose Weight Diet

Problems about how to lose weight is a problem that is often asked when the weight began to show an increase. Overweight and obesity especially for some of us is a nightmare especially for those who care about their appearance and health problems. Obesity is associated with a performance in addition to also affect self-confidence. But actually there are weight loss diet tips that can be there to try.

No matter how hard you are on a diet to lose weight without knowing the tips, the result would not be maximal. Diet tips to lose weight is actually very much, here we wrote a few tips that are relatively important in your diet to lose weight.

Weight loss diet tips that you can do daily
Tip 1. Avoid fat and less carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate intake is needed though is a program to lose weight, so do not you get rid of this carbohydrate intake. Eat with a reduced number of carbohydrates.

Tip 2. Reduce sugar in your drinks.
Soft drinks contain high sugar, stop consuming soft drinks. Always make it a habit to consume mineral water if you are on the outside. If you want to drink sweet tea, sometimes it's okay. drink water at least 8 glasses per day for this program.

Tip 3. Eat at least 3 times a day for a diet to lose weight effectively.
Stay to eat 3x a day. Do not reduce the frequency of your eating into 2x a day because it will slow down your metabolism, you just may get heartburn. Keep eating at least 3 times a day, with of course a little portion. Skipping meals is a major error in the diet.

Tip 4. Eat the last 3 hours before bedtime.
Eating close to bedtime will cause the food that was eaten did not get converted into energy for your activity, resulting in the accumulation of fat will increase. If you are hungry, you better eat non-fat milk or low-calorie food nutrition.

Tip 5. Cardio exercise (running, swimming, threadmill, aerobics).
Cardio exercise is very effective to burn fat, do this exercise regularly every day. In addition, sports have many health benefits.

Tip 6. Reduce fried foods, replace it with boiled food.
Do not forget that the grilled fish and roasted chicken sometimes coated oil, so avoid these foods as well.

Tip 7. Beautiful morning for practice.
Practicing in the morning would be more effective, because your stomach is empty and of course the main combustion will take from your fat.

Tip 8. Always choose to walk instead of escalators.
Select a walk if the distance is not too far away. if in the office always choose to use a ladder if you just want to go down 1 or 2 floors only. This little exercise will be beneficial to lose weight if you do every day.

Tip 9. Enjoying life.
Arrange all the diets that include diet and exercise settings so that it becomes something fun, to make something fun for your diet the more it will increase the success of the diet.

Tips 10. Enough Rest.
A good resting time is 6-8 hours a day. Never more than 8 hours per day, once there is research that says that excess sleep increases the risk of death.

Tips 11. Do not try all kinds of food at dinner buffets.
Do not try all the food menu when there are banquet buffet. Simply select one or two kinds do you like best, then continue with a salad, remember that you are trying way to lose weight.

Please try, good luck with the diet to lose weight.